Five Ways to Disaster-Proof the Energy Grid
With extreme weather events—and power outages—on the rise, utilities and tech companies are looking at what they can do to keep the lights on in the future. Hurricanes, heat waves and other weather events have gotten more severe in recent years, driven by warming seas, rapid coastal erosion and record temperatures, among other factors. And that has taken its toll on the aging, overtaxed U.S. energy grid.
Fickle Environmental Attitudes and Cleantech Underinvestment
The International Energy Agency has recently warned the world is falling short of necessary levels of clean energy investment. First, energy companies do not smooth their cleantech investments as they do their oil and gas investments. Second, when oil prices are high, US public sentiments shift away from environmental concerns, thus relieving stakeholder and political pressure for higher cleantech investment when energy companies had plentiful funds.
The Five Things Keeping Us
From Going all-Electric
The ‘electrification of everything’ gets talked about a lot these days. But it isn’t going to happen soon. Nor should we want it to. For one thing, it would place unnecessary limitations on other viable solutions to rising greenhouse-gas emissions. It also ignores existing technical, regulatory and strategic constraints on electrification.
Electricity Grids and Geopolitics: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the
Synchronization of the Baltic States’ Electricity Networks with
Continental Europe
Can supply of electricity be used as an energy weapon? This question rises in importance as more countries trade electricity across borders to smooth out grid stability issues and improve cost-efficient dispatching across large geographic area.
Green Innovation of State-Owned Oil and Gas Enterprises in BRICS Countries: A Review of Performance
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are a major force in energy markets in BRICS countries, including in national energy innovation systems. In this research, we investigate whether some of the largest oil and gas SOEs in BRICS countries are greening their innovation to foster low-carbon solutions in line with shifting government .